Join us as we celebrate Nurses Week 2022! We’re be joined by AWHONN President, Dr. Sandy Cesario, AWHONN President Elect, Dr. Shakira Henderson, and AWHONN member, Dr. Shawana Moore of Emory University. Tune in as each of our guests share their personal stories of nursing resilience, and the ways in which they’ll be celebrating Nurses week this year.
About the Speakers

Dr. Sandy Cesario, PhD, MS, RNC, FAAN
AWHONN President
Sandra is the PhD program director at Texas Woman’s University; Women’s health specialist with 44 years of clinical, research, education, and policy development experience. She has been an AWHONN member for 32 years, actively engaged as chair of the National Practice committee and serving on advisory panels, JOGNN and NWH editorial boards and leading EBP guideline development teams.

Dr. Shakira Henderson PhD, DNP, MS, MPH, RNC-NIC, IBCLC
AWHONN President Elect
Shakira started as an AWHONN emerging leader and has served as a chapter leader, section leader, national conference chair, national committee member, journal reviewer, and NOEP4 module reviewer and writer. A certified neonatal nurse by training, Shakira is passionate about maternal-child health nursing and research to improve the health of women and infants. Her passion for maternal-child health has led her to focus on breastfeeding research and advocacy. She has served in unit leadership, unit education, and corporate administration. She currently serves as the founder and senior administrator of the Vidant Health Center for Research and Grants.
An experienced nurse scientist in the practice setting, who is both PhD and DNP prepared, Shakira has worked across small community hospitals and large academic health systems. With innovation as her core skill, Shakira has built and executed several research and practice programs in a variety of clinical and community settings. She has been recognized for outstanding achievements in academia and nursing practice with awards from National Association of Neonatal Nurses, March of Dimes, AWHONN, Florida International University, and DAISY.

Dr. Shawana Moore, DNP, APRN, WHNP-BC
Emory University
Dr. Shawana S. Moore earned a Bachelors’ of Science degree with a concentration in Biology from Wilberforce University. She earned a second Bachelors’ of Science in Nursing (BSN), Masters’ of Science in Nursing (MSN) with a specialty in women’s health, and Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) degrees from Thomas Jefferson Universi-ty. She is an alum of the National League of Nursing LEAD Institute and Jefferson Lead-ership Academy. Dr. Moore is a board-certified women’s health nurse practitioner. She currently serves as an Assistant Professor and the Director of the Women’s Health- Gen-der Related Nurse Practitioner Program at Thomas Jefferson University, Jefferson Col-lege of Nursing. As the Director of the Women’s Health Nurse Practitioner Program, Dr. Moore is responsible for educating the next generation of women’s health nurse practi-tioners entering into clinical practice. Additionally, she has a passion for providing women’s and reproductive health care to underserved populations. She actively main-tains clinical practice by serving as a women’s health nurse practitioner at health care organizations in Pennsylvania and New Jersey. Some of her research interests include women’s health, transgender care, adolescent empowerment, preconception counseling, contraception, maternal obesity, telehealth in the women’s health care setting, diversi-ty/inclusion and equity. She presents on these topics locally and nationally.
Dr. Moore serves on the Board of Directors for the National Association of Nurse Practi-tioners in Women’s Health, which is the nation’s leading voice for courageous conversa-tion about women’s health. She is an active member in the following organizations: In-ternational Society for the Study of Women’s Sexual Health (ISSWSH), Association of Women’s Health, Obstetric and Neonatal Nurses (AWHONN), National Black Nurses Association, National League of Nursing (NLN), National Organization of Nurse Practi-tioner Faculties (NONPF), Chi Eta Phi Sorority, Incorporated-Gamma Phi Chapter and Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing-Delta Rho Chapter. She is a 2011 and 2013 recipient of the Independence Blue Cross Nurses for Tomorrow Scholar-ship. Other awards and grants include Stratton Foundation Grant, 2020; Thomas Jeffer-son University, Community Driven Research Grant, 2020, 2018; March of Dimes NJ Chapter Community Grant, 2015; USPHS Nurse Traineeship Grant Award, 2012; and Outstanding Capstone Award, Thomas Jefferson University, 2011.