AWHONN’s Maternal Morbidity and Mortality Mission Statement
AWHONN is a leader in eliminating preventable maternal morbidity and mortality by empowering and supporting nurses and other healthcare team members to provide comprehensive and respectful maternal care through research, education, practice, and advocacy.
The maternal morbidity and mortality crisis continues to rise in the United States. The U.S. maternal mortality rate is significantly higher than other equal- or higher-income countries. Each year, adverse outcomes and maternal mortality can be reduced by focusing on education, quality, and safety initiatives (Howell & Zeitlin, 2017).
Acknowledging the significance of this crisis, AWHONN is dedicated to eliminating preventable maternal morbidity and mortality by empowering and supporting nurses and other healthcare team members to provide comprehensive and respectful care through research, education, and advocacy.
KNOWLEDGE TO ACTION: Care Equity for Black Moms
Delivering the Facts: Patient Safety Infographics
These resources are available for download and can be shared during education and department meetings to invite discussion on Maternal Mortality and Morbidity. They can also be displayed in nurses’ stations, staff lunchrooms, staff restrooms, staff conference rooms.
- From Awareness to Action: A Townhall to Educate Nurses on Maternal Mortality – NEW
- Maternal Levels of Care – Best Practices
- Joint Commission – Maternal Levels of Care Town Hall
- Advanced Certification in Perinatal Care Standards Town Hall Recording
- The Quality Improvement Toolkit
- Joint Statement by AWHONN, SMFM, ACNM, ACOG, AAP and AAFP (2011): Quality Patient Care in Labor and Delivery: A Call to Action
- Obstetric and Neonatal Quality and Safety Review (ONQSR) Program
- Practice Briefs:
- Quantification of Blood Loss (QBL) (#13)
- Oxytocin Administration after Birth (#12)
- Standardized Practices to Address Maternal Venous Thromboembolism (#7)
- POST-BIRTH Warning Signs (PBWS) Program
- HRSA Alliance for Innovation on Maternal Health (AIM) Patient Safety Bundles and Resources
- Alliance for Innovation on Maternal Health Community Care Initiative (AIM CCI)
- California Maternal Quality Care Collaborative
- Florida Perinatal Quality Collaborative
- Institute for Healthcare Improvement: IHI
- ACOG’s Levels of Maternal Care
- Oklahoma Perinatal Quality Improvement Collaborative
- Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine: SMFM Learning: Patient Safety Toolbox: Using Quality Improvement and Safety Science to Eliminate Pregnancy-Related Racial and Ethical Health Inequities
- Review to Action: Working Together To Prevent Maternal Mortality
- Birth Equity Web Page
- SBAR For Inclusive and Equitable Patient Care
- Position Statement on Racism and Bias in Maternity Care Settings
- RMC Framework and Evidence-Based Practice Guideline and Implementation Toolkit
- Webinar: My Bias: Implicit, Explicit, Does it Matter in Maternal & Newborn Nursing Care?
- Conversation in Caring in Reproductive Health Nursing Webinars