On this episode of AWHONN insights, we sit down with AWHONN CEO, Jonathan Webb, AWHONN President, Cyndy Krening, and AWHONN President Elect, Sandy Cesario, to discuss nursing resiliency and what Nurses Week means to them.
About the Speakers

Jonathan Webb, MPH, MBA, Chief Executive Officer
Jonathan joined AWHONN in April 2021 as their new chief executive officer. Jonathan has spent more than 15 years in the public health space promoting community health outcomes; addressing the social determinants of health; and tackling a number of epidemics including childhood obesity, diabetes, and CVD.
Jonathan’s professional experience includes work for two local health departments including work within the Office of Epidemiology of the City of Chicago and leading the Community Health Division of the City of Evanston. Additionally, Jonathan has spent more than nine years in the nonprofit space leading strategy; building meaningful partnerships; fundraising; and implementing programming for organizations such as the Association of Maternal and Child Health Programs (AMCHP), McGaw YMCA, Feed the Children, the American Osteopathic Association, and the American Diabetes Association.
Jonathan serves as Subject Matter Expert on the March of Dimes’ National Advisory Committee and the Co-Chair for the national strategy workgroup focused on Dismantling Racism and Addressing Unequal Treatment under the Mom and Baby Action Network as well as a Public Member of the American Board of Pediatrics Foundation.

Cyndy Krening, MS, CNS, RNC-OB, C-EFM, President
Cyndy holds a BSN and an MSN in perinatal nursing. She has worked in inpatient obstetric settings for 37 years in tertiary teaching, and community hospitals as an L&D staff nurse, charge nurse, manager, outreach coordinator and OB flight nurse. Cyndy is currently a perinatal CNS at SCL Health Saint Joseph Hospital in Denver.
Cyndy has been active in AWHONN for the last 35 years. She has served on the national education, practice, public policy and section advisory committees, as Colorado section chair, and two terms on the national Board of Directors. She’s contributed to AWHONN publications, position statements, books, and spoken at many AWHONN conferences and conventions. Cyndy has served on NCC’s Inpatient OB and EFM certification test committees. She represents nursing on the Colorado Maternal Mortality and the NYC Maternal Mortality Steering Committees. Cyndy has won the Nightingale Award – the highest honor given to a Colorado nurse.

Sandra K. Cesario, PhD, MS, RNC, FAAN, President-Elect
Sandra is the PhD program director at Texas Woman’s University; Women’s health specialist with 44 years of clinical, research, education, and policy development experience. She has been an AWHONN member for 32 years, actively engaged as chair of the National Practice committee and serving on advisory panels, JOGNN and NWH editorial boards and leading EBP guideline development teams.